
  • was created by the Federal Financial Literacy and Education Commission, this site is also available in Spanish.
  • 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy is the result of a national volunteer effort from Certified Public Accountants to help Americans understand their personal finances and develop money management skills.
  • America Saves is part of a campaign coordinated by the nonprofit Consumer Federation of America, which is dedicated to helping individuals save money, reduce debt, and build wealth, this site focuses on budgeting and saving.
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has a wealth of resources for both consumers and educators.
  • FINRA is a government-authorized nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting investors and safeguarding market integrity.
  • Money Smart's website is managed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and has dedicated it to educating Americans about their finances.

Thank you to Library Journal and John Rodzvilla for curating this resource list.