Meeting Room Policy

If you are claiming non-profit status, you must be able to provide documentation to the Director.

  1. The community room shall be available free of charge to non-profit groups or individuals from the Archbold area or groups that serve residents of the Archbold area. A deposit is required.
  2. The community room may also be used by other groups in or serving the Archbold area. These groups will be charged a non-refundable rental fee of $25.00 per use of the room, which must be paid prior to the date of the event.
  3. Library programming will have priority when scheduling the use of the room.
  4. Reservations may be monthly for a period of 6 months.  Continuing use must be approved by the Director, with a form to be filled out annually.
  5. Meetings may be held when the library is not open but the room must be vacated by 10 p.m.
  6. Light refreshments may be served. 
  7. After use, the room will be inspected and if found to be satisfactory, the deposit will be refunded if a deposit was collected.  Any new carpet stains from drink or food may cause the deposit to be non-refundable.  This deposit will be waived for groups paying a rental fee.
  8. Use of AV equipment and kitchen privileges must be reserved prior to its use.
  9. The use of any tobacco or alcoholic product is prohibited on all library property.
  10. An application for use of the room must be on file in the Director's office.  The person signing the application agrees to be responsible to see that the room is cleaned, returned to its original setup, and key returned.  A fee may be charged if the group's use of the room results in the need for repair to library furnishings or equipment or if cleaning is required from a professional carpet cleaner. Imposition of this fee will be at the discretion of the Library Director.
  11. Final approval for all applications resides with the Director.
  12. A vacuum, trash bags, and other cleaning supplies can be found in the custodian’s closet, located in the vestibule of the library. All kitchen supplies, with the exception of coffee filters, must be provided by the reserving party.
  13. Under no circumstances may supplies found in the kitchen cupboards be used by persons other than library staff.
  14. The person signing the application form shall be responsible to notify the Director of the Library of any damaged items or equipment resulting from the reserving group’s use of the room.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees, August 16, 1995.

Amended by the Board of Trustees, September 16, 2002; December 19, 2005; March 9, 2022; August 10, 2022.

Link to the meeting room application