Teacher Card

The public library is a community centered institution serving a wide range of organizations, interests, and age groups. Schools and students are an important segment of the community. With a goal of making contact between educators and the public library more effective, the Archbold Community Library will provide an extended loan period for classroom book collections.

In order for the library's collection to reach the maximum number of students, the following has been implemented:

  • A maximum of 40 items may be checked out on each teacher card, with a limit of 30 non-fiction items from the same subject area.
  • Materials are checked out for 28 days and books can be renewed once for an additional two weeks.
  • No fines will be charged on teacher cards. However, teachers are responsible for damaged or lost books charged to their card.
  • Material will not be loaned on a card if there are items more than one week overdue on the card.
  • Teacher cards remain at the library circulation desk and will be utilized by staff at checkout.  Teachers will be given a record of the card's barcode and PIN so they may access their teacher account from the library's website as well as place holds on items in the catalog.
  • The materials checked out on a teacher card are to be used for classroom use only. Teachers wishing to check out items for personal use must obtain a personal library card.
  • Preference for the availability of materials will be given to teachers who teach in the Archbold Area Local School District, which is the defined service area for the Archbold Community Library.


Approved by the Board of Trustees on Sept. 15, 2008