Pagemasters is Archbold's newest bookclub!
It's new! It's inclusive! It's free-form! It's casual! It's not your typical book club!
What Pagemasters is all about:
It's a flexible, safe space to discuss, read, and make connections. It's welcome to all readers and all books! Pagemasters meets once a month to unwind and take a break from the daily grind. Join us for good people and good books!
With the usual book clubs, there's often the scramble to finish the selected book, and the pressure to have something witty to say. Wouldn't it be great to have a book club where you could just enjoy books and company...without the homework?
Pagemasters has no assigned reading. Sometimes a fun prompt will be thrown out as an optional guide for the next book and meeting. All readers are welcome: ebooks, audiobooks, textbooks, comic's BYOBook!
Friends and strangers gather at a set time and location, share what they're reading, and settle in for either more discussion, or use the time to simply read! Socializing is optional!
Pagemasters was started because reading with friends makes us happy and enriches our lives. We love hearing about what people are reading (often in their other book clubs) and we think it's nice to put down our phones and be social. Real live, face-to-face social!
Pagemasters is about community. Everyone is welcome!
The next meetup of Pagemasters will be Saturday, March 29th from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm in the Library's Community Room. Don't feel like you have to be there right at 10:30 or stay for the entire time! We want this club to be as stress-free as possible!
We will provide snacks, tea, and coffee!