The Annual Book Sale is coming!
Shop by free-will donation!
Join the Friends at the door!
Shop by free-will donation!
Join the Friends at the door!
First of all...what is early literacy?
Early literacy is everything a child knows about reading and writing before they actually are proficient readers and writers.
What is an Early Literacy Center?
An early literacy center is a place that caregivers and babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-agers up through third grade can go TOGETHER to do the work of emerging and beginning readers and the work of childhood is play.
No registration required for this event!
Fun for all ages!
Registration ends soon. Sign up for programs through our calendar or call the Library to register!
The Early Literacy Center is open any time the Library is open as long as there is no program occurring in the room.
Register online or call the Library today!